Monday, May 20, 2013

The Massive Movement Project Final Assessment

                                                           The Massive Movement Project
                                                                       Final Assessment

      Rotation is the axis is the point that support the motion of Earth

     Polaris is a stars name it never change it's located always in the north
    Equator is the line around the Earth it is 0 °
Axis is A imaginary line in the center of Earth. 

Revolution Earth moving around the sun.

Season is spring, summer, autumn, winter.
Direct sunlight hits into one place.
Indirect sunlight earth revolution around the sun and the title of it axis.
Equator does not have season because there gets more sunlight (summer).
Winter solstice earth is far from the sun and it is less sunlight and it happen December 21/22.
Summer solstice earth is close to the sun it happened June 21/22.
Equinox is equal day and equal night it 12-hour day and 12-hour night.
Vernal Equinox (spring) it happen March 21/22.
Vernal Equinox 

Autumnal (Fall) Equinox it happen September 22/ 23.

 Illustration image
Lunar Eclipse is when the moon goes above or below the earth's umbra (full moon).

This montage of images taken by skywatcher Kieth Burns shows the 
Dec. 20, 2010 total lunar eclipse. The photos won a NASA contest to 
become an official NASA/JPL wallpaper for the public.
Umbra and Penumbra is a dark and light.Total lunar eclipse is hall moon is dark.
Partial lunar eclipse is half moon is dark.
Solar eclipse is when the moon is between the sun and earth.
 File:Solar eclipse 1999 4 NR.jpg
Total solar eclipse is full black the sunlight.
Partial solar eclipse part of the sunlight is blacked.
Axis tilt is 325 °
Hemisphere is Northern and Southern side.
Revolution length Earth to revolve one time around the sun 365 days or 1 year.
Aphelion is far a perihelion is near that is different to the sun.
Geocentric model Earth is the center of the universe.
Heliocentric Model sun is the center of the universe.
Time zones are divided 1 hour from zones on each side it calls Longitude in the world 24 Time Zones have.
Greenwich mean Time (GMT) is the town where time begins.
International Date time is the line changing on calendar clays it is an imaginary line that extends from North to South Pole.
Date Line the line changing calendar clays it is an imaginary line that extends from north to South Pole.
Astronomy Nicolaus Capernicus through of the heliocentric model.
Geocentric model of the universe earth is the center of the universe.
Heliocentric model of the universe sun is the center of the universe.
Ptolemy is through of this theory.
Revolution is earth moving around the sun.
Capernicus shows the sun at the center of universe with Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn orbiting the Sun.
Orbit is Earth revolution process the cured path it shaped by Ellipse.
Tide is ocean moving high and low the main cause of the earth's tides.
Spring tide is higher or lower than normal tide.
Near tide it is close to earth it is normal tide.
Phases of the moon are Neap Tides first moon and third moon.

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